Nurturing New Beginnings: The Art of Baby Massage for Happy, Healthy Babies

3 min read

Welcome to the world of tiny toes, giggles, and the soothing power of baby massage! As a new parent, the journey of caring for your little one is filled with precious moments and a few challenges along the way. From releasing tension to aiding digestion and stimulating circulation, baby massage has many benefits that will encourage your little one’s brain and nervous system growth.

 wellbe’s RMT Sheila is sharing three reasons why baby massage is a game-changer for your little one's well-being!

Three Big Benefits of Baby Massage Therapy


It is very common for tension patterns to start in utero, especially later on in pregnancy where there isn't space for movement. When baby is head down, the downward weight of its body will cause a side curve like a banana. Imagine the tension build-up from being stuck like this for days, or even weeks! Bodywork can help release that tension, allowing for more freedom of movement, an easier time feeding, and less discomfort.


Swallowing air while feeding can make digestion difficult. A common cause is latching difficulties, from either breast/chest or bottle feeding, leading to air being trapped in the digestive tract. Reflux is when air gets trapped in the esophagus and pushes back upwards. Gassiness occurs when air gets digested along with milk and makes its way to the large intestines, causing discomfort. Baby massage can help with releasing tension in the jaw, improving tongue function, and your RMT can show you massage techniques to help reduce symptoms.

Nervous System:

The birthing process can be overwhelming for a newborn, and being in a new environment with a lot more stimuli can heighten the nervous system. Massage can help reduce discomfort from tension and digestive troubles, bringing down the amount of negative stimulation and leaving more room for positive stimulation. Positive touch helps calm the nervous system by promoting the release of feel-good hormones, leading to more resting and digesting. It also encourages stronger neural connections between the body and brain, promoting future body awareness.

As an infant massage therapist, Sheila’s ultimate goal is to assist newborns and their families in getting more rest to heal and creating space for positive bonding moments. Embrace the joy of watching your little one thrive through the magic of baby massage. Let's embark on this journey together, ensuring your baby's well-being and fostering those heartwarming moments that last a lifetime!

This post was written by wellbe’s Registered Massage Therapist Sheila Young. Click here to learn more about how baby massage can help and to book your little one’s first visit.