Enhancing Your Breast/Chest Feeding Journey: Parent + Baby Massage

3 min read

Breast or chest feeding your new babe and finding it to be a bit rocky?

Most of us parents have been there and know how tough the feeding journey can be!

RMT Sheila is here to offer you and your sweet little one a helping (and magical) hand! 💖 Parent + baby massage therapy can transform your feeding experience into a smoother, more blissful journey. 🤱✨

We all know that breast or chest feeding is one of the most natural acts in the world, but let's be real - it's not always a walk in the park. Sometimes, it can be downright stressful when things aren't going as smoothly as we hoped. But fear not, because RMT Sheila is here to support you every step of the way! 🌟

So, how exactly can parent + baby massage work its magic in the world of feeding your sweet babe?

Here’s how!

1️⃣ Treating Breast/Chest Tissue: By gently working on and around the breast or chest area, we can reduce myofascial tension, stimulate the lymphatic system, and alleviate stress. This not only enhances circulation and nerve signalling but also helps to decongest the area and lower stress hormones, all with the aim of optimizing milk production. 🍼💫

For those who are bottle-feeding, we’ve got you too. Parent + baby massage can help bring down the nervous system, because parenting is stressful, and release those feel-good hormones to help you and baby bond.

2️⃣ Treating Baby's Tongue, Jaw, and Body: Sheila also focuses on your little one's tongue, jaw, and overall body tension. By addressing these areas, babies will not only improve milk extraction, alleviate painful latching, and address any side preferences your baby may have; but a relaxed baby is a happy baby and a happy baby EATS. 🌈

With these tailored massage techniques, we're not just treating you and your baby as individuals - we're treating you as a feeding unit, working together to achieve your feeding goals with comfort and ease. 👶

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of feeding bliss, why not reach out and book a baby + parent massage session with us? Let's work together to make your feeding experience as beautiful and stress-free as possible.

This post was written by wellbe’s Registered Massage Therapist Sheila Young. Book your first visit with her at wellbe leslieville here and wellbe beaches here.