Supporting Your Family & Community During Traumatic Times

4 min read

The last several days have been difficult for many individuals in our community.

The weight of the world is on our shoulders and so is the fear, loss, grief, anger and frustration that goes along with it.

While thousands of miles away, our wellbe family and community have been directly impacted by this tragedy and are experiencing pain, sadness and worry.

As a clinic, we are committed to ensuring our patients, their families and our community feel safe, respected and comfortable in our inclusive space.

We would like to share various resources that can help families focus on peace, kindness, respect, and community while also navigating difficult emotions. We encourage open conversations to occur in the home and in the community.

Coverage of world events on social media and in the news can be particularly distressing and traumatic, with teens and children being especially vulnerable to its impact.

Here are a few resources that can be helpful:

Here are some helpful tips to encourage and facilitate these discussions:

Create a Safe Space

Ensure that your home is a safe and judgment-free space where family members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. Assure everyone that their opinions and emotions will be respected.

Have Age-Appropriate Conversations

Tailor the conversation to the age and maturity of children. Younger children may require simple and clear explanations.

Start with Questions

Begin the conversation by asking open-ended questions, such as "Have you heard about what's happening in the Middle East?" and "How does it make you feel?" This allows family members to express their thoughts.

Listen Actively

Encourage active listening within the family. Give each person an opportunity to share their thoughts without interruption. Show empathy and understanding when they speak.

Limit Exposure to Graphic Content

While it's important to stay informed, limit exposure to graphic images and videos, especially for younger children.

Emphasize Empathy

Encourage family members to put themselves in the shoes of those affected by the conflict. Discuss the human impact and the stories of individuals and families who are suffering.

Highlight Acts of Kindness

Share stories of individuals and organizations that are providing humanitarian aid and support to those affected by the conflict. Discuss the importance of empathy and kindness.

Discuss Coping Strategies

Teach children and teens healthy ways to cope with distressing emotions, such as journaling, art, music, physical activity, or mindfulness exercises.

Reassure Safety

Assure your children that their immediate environment is safe and that they are loved and protected. Address any fears or concerns they may have about their own safety.

Follow Up

Continue to check in with your family and have ongoing discussions. Traumatic events can have a lasting impact, and it's important to provide ongoing support and space for reflection.

Model Health Expression

Lead by example and demonstrate healthy ways to care for yourself & manage emotions related to conflict. This can teach children the value of prioritizing self-care and their mental health in stressful situations. For more tips on how to encourage self-care during times of continued exposure to traumatic events, read our upcoming blog post.

Remember that discussing traumatic events can be emotionally taxing, so it's crucial to respect each family member's pace and boundaries. By fostering open, empathetic, and age-appropriate conversations, you can help your family process and understand difficult topics while maintaining a sense of togetherness and support.

This post was written by wellbe’s wellbe’s social workers + psychotherapists. If you or your children are in need of support, you can book an in-person or virtual visit with our social workers here.