Building Inclusive Communities: Teaching Allyship

3 min read

We have a pretty special role as parents & guardians, helping to shape our children's attitudes and behaviours! Encourage your child to become an ally for their LGTBQIA2S+ friends and classmates by modeling inclusive behaviour and language.

Keep these tips in mind to help them become better allies:

Be a Listener

Encourage your child to be an active listener when their friends or classmates share their experiences or concerns. Encourage them to ask questions and help them understand that learning from others is a lifelong journey. Teach them the importance of empathy and understanding.

Embrace Open-Mindedness

Foster an environment of open-mindedness, teaching your child to accept others without judgment. Emphasize that everyone deserves love, respect, and kindness, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation 💛

Encourage Dialogue

Teach your child the value of open dialogue and communication. Encourage them to have respectful conversations with their peers, where everyone feels heard and understood.

Practice Inclusion

Guide your child to be inclusive of everyone around them and avoid excluding anyone based on their gender identity or sexuality. Encourage them to celebrate diversity and embrace differences. Our differences are what make us special!

Respect Pronouns

Instill in your child the importance of asking and respecting others' pronouns. Teach them that using correct pronouns is a simple yet powerful way to show respect and support.

Language Matters: Raise awareness about the impact of language and the potential harm of insensitive jokes or derogatory comments. Encourage your child to choose their words wisely, promoting a positive and inclusive environment.

Stand Up Against Discrimination

Equip your child with the tools to recognize and respond to bullying and discrimination. Teach them how to intervene safely and stand up against discrimination or mistreatment of their LGTBQIA2S+ friends & classmates. Empower them to be an ally and advocate for equality and acceptance.

Discuss the importance of reporting incidents and seeking help from trusted adults.

Explore Privilege

Introduce the concept of privilege to your child. Explain that privilege refers to the advantages some individuals have based on aspects like race, gender, or socio-economic status.

Discuss the responsibility that comes with privilege and how it can be used to uplift others

By teaching our children about allyship, we give them the tools to create a more inclusive and just society. Through empathy, respect and active participation, our kids can become allies who uplift and amplify marginalized communities.

Remember, by fostering an open, loving, and accepting environment, you're shaping a future where everyone can be proud of who they are. Let’s raise a generation of compassionate, empathetic and empowered allies who make the world a better place for us all!

Happy Pride Month, and happy nurturing!!

This post was written by wellbe’s social worker Rosalyn Totah. If you or your children are in need of support, you can book an in-person or virtual visit with our social workers here.